In the last article, we explained what the metaverse is. We briefly described the benefits of using it for online events, virtual offices, and online learning. Now let’s take a deeper look into the first use case, online events. In this article, we will explain the possibilities, help you understand the pros, and inspire you with companies who have already used metaverse for their online events.
Actually events are a perfect use case for the new online world. It will be something new for most employees, and it will be fun. The advantage of online events in metaverse compared to a regular video call is that several activities or lectures can take place at the same time, and the visitor decides what to attend from the program. The event will present a completely different virtual experience through specific interactive objects (users can learn at their own pace more about the company or the topic), collaborative workshops in various rooms, or fun activities like a scavenger hunt and online games.

You can also customize the entire space according to your brand guidelines to better represent the company’s values and identity. New employees can quickly and naturally understand company values through customized design and features, than by just listening to a company values PPT on a regular call. In addition, you can reuse the space created for your online event at any time, gradually expand it, or use it for other purposes.
- The global hackathon for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) with a virtual space inspired by the environment of their foreign assignment.
- Virtual event with the “Burning Man” festival design for employees and partners from Square
- Virtual event for Bohemia Interactive game developers where they presented their newest title and vision to media from all over the world.
- Escape game and “meet & greet” online event with influencers for Samsung Electronics
- Award-winning project (NC Awards) which included a metaverse for the fans of the popular series, Metal Detective.
- Dental-clinic showcase in metaverse for Philips
- Online events in metaverse for JLL Sustainability Early Career Program including onboarding, workshops, interviews, lectures, training, and online games.
- Online hackathon for Swisslog employees

But are these virtual events only beneficial for big enterprises? Not at all. Big and small companies alike can mix things up with special dynamic presentations or meetings for their team, opposed to the traditional Teams or Zoom meetings. No matter how small your company is, virtual worlds are easily adaptable. Continue reading to find out more about our special offer below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
With online events in the metaverse, the sky’s the limit. Do you want your virtual event on an island, a boat, in space, or in the forest? Nothing is out of the question! We are talking about the design of the online event, which is one of the basic building blocks of a virtual event. What you should pay even more attention to is choosing the platform on which your online event will run.
We currently know over 50 platforms for online events. Some of them are good for building complex 3D worlds and metaverses, while others focus on functionality, interactivity, and collaboration. Some of them also have limitations such as capacity or interactive objects.

The two absolutely essential things to ensure a successful online event are the platform and the program of the event. In this way, it is no different from an offline event.
1) Have a high-quality program for the participants, and let them choose what they will do and who they will meet.
2) Choose the right platform depending on the program, participants, and the purpose of your online event.
3) Choose the environment to make the whole event stand out.

We have prepared a series of questions that we ask our customers first, so we can help them create an online event and choose the right platform for their needs.
- What is the main goal of your online event?
- What will the program of the event be?
- Who will attend the event?
- How many people will attend?
- How do you imagine the perfect space for your online event to be?
These questions will give a clear direction in which your online event should go, so you can choose the right platform and take your first step into the world of online events in the metaverse.

The humanitarian non-profit organization of Doctors Without Borders organized a global event that took place in a purely virtual environment. We took care of all the groundwork and designed a special virtual space for Doctors Without Borders to replicate an encounter in the real world. Over 50 people attended the event.
Doctors Without Borders’ week-long internal hackathon focused on using digital tools with greater efficiency within the organization. After presenting the topic, four groups of Doctors Without Borders associates got to thinking about how to best improve their communication strategies and related topics with the guidance of experienced mentors.

With the support of the tailored virtual environment, the participants were able to go to the field hospital tents, which served as virtual rooms for the different groups. After an intensive week, they presented their solutions to management, colleagues, and expert mentors. The ideas that emerged from the hackathon will now be developed and applied across the organization. The overall creation of this virtual space took 70 hours of work from our graphic designers and project management.
“We received very positive feedback from the participants of the event regarding the virtual space provided by Space Makers, many of them want to continue to use the platform for other meetings as well. I think that the tailor-made space definitely helped everyone enjoy the event more and collectively come up with new ideas that we can use in our work.”
It’s very simple and can be set up in a matter of hours. Based on our experience with many projects and events, we have prepared a SPECIAL OFFER for upcoming weeks: ready-to-go space for your year’s end meeting or other online events on the Gather platform. It includes features like an auditorium for big presentations, a gaming area to entertain your employees, and a fun mingling area, where you can choose who you would like to spontaneously chat with. This will provide a special and unforgettable experience for your colleagues, partners, and guests, and it’s perfect for your first step into the world of online events in the metaverse.

The cost for the event is $15 per person. The standard capacity of the virtual event space is 50 people, but we can expand or customize it based on your needs. This is the perfect opportunity to try meetups and online events in the metaverse. We believe your first online event in the metaverse will forever change the way you view online communication with your team. Afterwards, you can play with creating the virtual world based on your imagination.
Follow us and check out our upcoming article about the advantages of working remotely through a virtual office and why to use it instead of a classic call. Learn about the opportunities, understand the pros, and get inspired by companies who have already taken this step.
We create virtual worlds for online events, remote work or online learning exactly according to your needs. Meet in a virtual space that inspires collaboration and accelerates productivity. We have designed virtual spaces for a range of companies, from start-ups to international companies such as Red Bull. We are architects for your virtual worlds!